

Online Viewing Room

Aug 25, 2023 11:00 AM


Aug 27, 2023 7:00 PM


Ausstellungsraum Klingental

Kasernenstrasse 23

4058 Basel

Mitwirkende Künstler
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aMás is a passage.From the mineral to the organic.From the tribe to the individual.From the singularity to the whole.

The new project by Doppelganger Collective is inspired by the notion of liminality, developed in 1909 by anthropologist Arnold Van Gennep and by the ethnologist Victor Turner in the 1960s. Liminality is one of the three phases present in all the rites of passage of primitive and modern societies. This intermediate state is marked by social and identity fluctuations, between a primary stage of separation and a final phase of aggregation to a new status or state.

For their project at Ausstellungsraum Klingental, Doppelganger Collective will be taking over the main exhibition hall with a new large-scale scenography made of painting, photography, video, sound, drawings and text, punctually activated by performative interventions by several of its members.

Authors of the new version of aMás:Choreography/performance: Lorie Bettiol, Raquel Fernandez, Sylvain Gelewski, Claire Megumi Masset

Scenography: Lorie Bettiol, Raquel Fernandez, Sylvain Gelewski, Claire Megumi MassetSoundtrack: idleText: Sylvain Gelewski

Photographs/videos: Lorie Bettiol

Text recordings: Anya LindupIm Rahmen der Kunsttage Basel.

With the support of: City of Geneva, Kanton Genève, Kanton Basel-Stadt Kultur, Schweizer Kulturstiftung Pro Helvetia

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