You are cordially invited! As a brilliant start to the @zurichartweekend, "summer of something" will open its doors at @kunsthauszuerich restaurant. Strong coffee, sparkling drinks and artistic performances of all kinds will make this summer in Zurich colorful!
For the opening party, DJs @mani__banani__@xbonaventurex#jamiraestrada@esther.eppstein will ensure good vibes and peppy dance moves on Friday night – Everybody come, from 18.30h, free entry
All this is only possible with the amazing support of🖊️"summer of something" is a café and bar, a place of encounters and performances of all kinds. Designed as part of the interim use of the Kunsthaus Restaurant, and in connection with the tradition of the "Künstler:innenhaus" at the Kunsthaus ZürichProvided by
⌚9 JUNE – 29 JULY 2023, Kunsthaus Zürich