The Obsolete In Reverse: Robert Smithson And Science Fiction

The Obsolete In Reverse: Robert Smithson And Science Fiction

Online Viewing Room

Jun 10, 2023 2:00 PM


Jun 10, 2023 4:00 PM


Last Tango

Sihlquai 274

8005 Zürich

Mitwirkende Künstler
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Marco Antonini in conversation with Linda Jensen
10.06.23 at 14:00
Duration: 45-60 minutes followed by Q&A

This conversation will directly connect the scenarios and historical perspectives outlined in some of Smithson’s favorite Sci-Fi novels and movies to his interest in obsolete (or obsolescent) realities, conflation of the futuristic into the prehistoric and ambivalent approach to technology. Focusing on Smithson’s artworks, readings and writings, the talk reveals the influence of science fiction books and illustrations, Hollywood cinematography and B-movies in the conception of Smithson’s projects, including his seminal shift to Earthworks. Examining the influence of science fiction on the work of Robert Smithson, the talk shines a new light on his enduring legacy, revealing his ability to identify the hidden gems of popular culture, extract them and elaborate on the full breadth of their cultural potential.

This conversation is programmed within the context of Last Tango’s exhibition Leila Peacock and Gil Pellaton, two bodies of work whose imagery and inspiration draw from the world of science fiction and folklore.

Marco Antonini
Marco Antonini is a Zurich-based artist, poet, writer and curator. In his creative practice, imperfect, provisional and fragile language and materials invite conversations on transience and dysfunctionality, seeking a shapeless and atmospheric balancing point between present and past. Marco holds two Art History MAs, one from University of Bologna (with a focus on Pre-Renaissance art) and one in Contemporary Art History, from the City College of New York. He was the recipient of a Connors Fellowship for International Students, and held teaching positions at New Jersey City University, William Paterson University and as Lecturer at MoMA, MoMA PS1 and The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York.

Marco is currently working as Visual Arts Specialist for a multinational investment bank and financial services company. Before moving to Zurich, in 2017, he worked as Performance and Visual Arts Specialist at the Pew Center for Arts and Heritage in Philadelphia, one of the largest arts and culture grantmakers on the East Coast. From 2011 to 2016 he was Director and Curator at NURTUREart, in New York, a non-profit organization and gallery dedicated to emerging artists and curators. His independent curatorial projects have been presented in New York by Japan Society, the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Elizabeth Foundation Project Space, the International Studio and Curatorial Program (ISCP), and Abrons Art Center; Internationally, by Bevilacqua La Masa Foundation, Venice, FUTURA Center for Contemporary Art, Prague, CCEG, Guatemala City among many others. His writing on visual art has been published extensively and internationally.

"The Obsolete in Reverse, Robert Smithson and science fiction", was Marco's Graduation Thesis at CCNY, and was also presented at the College Arts Association conference in 2014 (Chicago) in a panel organized by Gregory Sholette.

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