Nessim Kaufmann




Artist Statement

Nessim Kaufmann is a visual artist based in Geneva. His practice organises itself around the terms Space, Image and Literature. Space and imagemaking have been disciplines of awakening, studied in the framework of a master’s in architecture at EPFL. The diploma work elaborated in this school, conducted under the guidance of Kersten Geers and Luca Pattaroni, allowed him to link together narration and space design through the means of architectural grammar. A second master’s degree undertaken at HEAD Geneva clarified the forms and means of his work. Writing, drawing and installation are combined to tackle phenomenological themes (eg. rain drops and a pond, vertigo facing time fluxus). These impressions triggers a writing and sketching process ; the written canvas creates a backdrop, a perimeter of action. Then, the form of the work follows a certain set of constraints emerging from the written landscape. His recent works have investigated the interface nearing art, phenomenology and fiction. All the attempts wish to deliver a personal synthesis of long-standing fascinations: for literature in all its forms on one hand, for the aesthetics and imagination of tekhnè on the other.

2017 – 2019
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne
Master in Architektur
2020 – 2022
Haute école d'art et de design (HEAD), Genf
Master in Fine Arts
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