Valerie Reding

HVNGRY for more

A series of staged photographic portraits

Welcome to our pantheon of queer icons, where otherness, diversity and vulnerability are nurtured, shared and celebrated. We are HVNGRY for more - more tolerance, respect, freedom, visibility, protection, rights and solidarity!

HVNGRY for more is a series of photographic portraits by Valerie Reding, depicting queer, trans and BIPOC people with diverse bodies, cultural and social backgrounds, sexualities, gender identities and expressions. Strongly inspired by references to contemporary pop culture and the aesthetics of video games - worlds where various empowering alter-egos can be explored - HVNGRY for more creates a space for free self-expression far beyond the gender binary or other reductive social categorizations.

The portraits, costumes, accessories and make-up have been manufactured and created by the artist with respect for the identities, gender expressions, desires, needs, limits and individual biographies of the people portrayed.

artistic direction, photography, costumes, accessories, make-up: Valerie Reding
people portrayed: Bruna Bomfim de Sà aka Bruna Revlon, Edwin Ramirez, Elie Autin, NewKyd aka Silver Tears, Sandro Niederer aka Sun B.Poderosa
partners, financial support: Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Étienne Germain, Fondation, Indépendance by BIL, Kulturfolger, Fonds RESPECT by Pink Cross, TGNS - Transgender Network Switzerland and LOS - Organisation Suisse des Lesbiennes, Lust*Art by Luststreifen Film Festival Basel, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourgeois, Stadt Zürich Kultur, zürich moves! festival

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